
Consultation & Tutoring Website
Wireframing Project
Client: Iran Knowledge Institute
Date: September 2020

Website Wireframing
Role: UX Designer

This project is about designing wireframes of a website based on my client surveys and their user research. This online platform, delivering a variety of services to all the Farsi speaking communities around the globe. It is created to ease off the burden of being an immigrant and to solve the unique struggles that come with it.

They asked me to put all their data into wireframes to make a proper website that mostly connects patients and doctors. While we were working on the wireframes, they asked not only for patient-doctors communication but also, for people who want to learn a new language and tutors. Their Idea was based on delivering services to Iranian abroad and doctors and tutors in Iran. We had several sessions and iteratively discussed different functionalities to make wireframes perfect. This project is in the process of designing a user interface based on wireframes. here you can see pages