
Patient-Doctor Communication Application
Redesign Next Version
Client: Integral XDX Co.
Date: February 2020

Mobile Application
UI Designer

One of my clients that we had a successful experience working on their website asked me about UI redesigning of an application that they built. It doesn’t have any visual identity. It developed with the Ionic hybrid application builder platform.

They wanted a whole redesign of the software.

They knew about the pain points in the developed version and asked me not to just design the visual identity, but also, modify the UX based on their experiments and solve some issues in the user experience.

The application is about patient-doctor communication. Our audiences are mostly patients who want to reach their doctors easily and take their advice. On the other hand, other types of users are doctors who have little time to spend on the application and answer their patients’ questions and guide them or even write prescriptions for them.

Keep this in mind, I started designing pages. This software must be friction-less and using the most common experiences in successful communication applications such as WhatsApp Telegram, WeChat and Viber could help users to get more out of this application. So, I used more common and most seen and valid gestures to design this application.

Here is some page